Meet Erin
- 28 Year old Stay-At-Home-Mom
- Married, 2 young children
- Oilfield Wife whose husband is away for most of the month
- Loves animals, has pets of her own
- Yo-yo dieter but hates Quick Fix pills & wraps
- Always been "Skinny-fat" but just wants to tone up and lose 5-10lbs of baby weight
- Researches everything because she loves knowing specifics and understanding how things run
- the person people come to for advice and honesty about things because she never responds with judgement or malice
- loves when she can have girls nights out with her friends who she doesn't get to see very often due to her incredibly hectic schedule
- Loves to curl up on the couch with a good romantic comedy or horror movie and a homemade facial pack to unwind
- enjoys working out but lacks the energy or ability to stick to dedicated workout times because of her unpredictable schedule
- Puts her own health and wellness on the back burner because she feels guilty for spending money on herself that could be used for the family instead
- Wants to contribute to the family financially but can't find a day job that would bring in more $$$ than it would cost to pay for Childcare
- Husband believes MLM companies are all scams and do not work so he does not support her when she brings up interest even after she does the research