Monday, 11 January 2016

I am a Mom, so i will sleep when i am dead... right?

Having "2 under 2", which for the people who dont know means two children under two years old, teaches you a few things.

1. Your life will develop into a series of 3/4 hour naps usually.  Particularly if you breastfeed like i did for both my girls. In between those naps you will usually end up changing diapers, feeding tiny people and trying to either clean yourself up, feed yourself, or do one of one thousand tasks that seem to multiply daily.
2. Whats yours is theirs and whats theirs is of no interest to them until someone else has it or you take it away... Yup.
3.  During the day when they might be napping and you would love to nap with them chances are you are catching up on that ever multiplying list of cleaning, eating, bathing, etc.
4. Once you get both kids sleeping through the night and finally start thinking you will get a full nights rest yourself you are proven horribly, horribly wrong...

case in point...

I think perhaps I could use some pointers on meditative relaxing breathing.  For some reason i am wide awake even after catching only 4.5 hours sleep yesterday. So how does a person whose brain will not shut off, get some semblance of sleep before the alarm goes off the next morning and the cycle repeats itself?

Time to test out my Leaf's breathing exercises! Wish me luck.

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