Take a minute.
Pay Attention.
I am giving you a gold nugget right here. Want to know the easiest method to increasing your own sense of self wellness and increased daily health?
Easy. Look at your daily schedule, whether its on your phone, in a big leather bound book that weighs 20lbs in your manhole sized purse or if its a big wall calendar in your office. Now, take a pen and write this down;
"Me Time!"
Now, i know you might be thinking, "well thats silly why should i do that?" Simple. If you write it down than you are going to see it, or at least think about it and KNOW that you will have some time to just do anything for yourself. It could just be sitting in a dark room for 5 minutes (if you are a mom than you know just how sacred 5 minutes alone can be) or reading a few pages of that book you bought 3 months ago and haven't cracked yet!
Spending just a few minutes a day on YOU is the first thing you should do to create a better sense of wellness in your life.
Stay tuned, cuz every week I will have a new wellness tip for you!!
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